Saturday, November 20, 2010
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Sonnet XXIV

Alas good knight, why hast thou turned around?
Thy message reached me, but it makes no sense.
To turn and run at thy sweet love’s expense,
Though thee hast reached halfway to proving ground?

Copyright ©2010 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 13, 2010
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A Thousand Days


A Thousand Days
(A Book of Sonnets)

A Thousand Days, a book of sonnets and also my newest endeavor has recently had its own page(which can be reached from the link in the top bar) added here at Poetic Expression.  Updates will be added to the page as they are published and become available for your enjoyment. I have linked the first two installments, Sonnets XXI and XXII below, respectively.

A thousand days or so had come and gone…

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Entering from stage left in brilliant form… (A Thousand Days pt2)
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Copyright ©2010 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 13, 2010
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Poetry 101: The Basics of Poetic Form

The first of a series of light history and tutorials on the basic principles of traditional English poetry, by Michele Cameron Drew.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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So Many Things

There are so many things I wish to say,
I bite my tongue so not to cause a stir.
So many things, in oh— so many ways.
To stir would cause the pot to overturn.
Just like I do most each and everyday,
Guess I'll just settle down right here and learn,
And wait for signs to fall down from the sky,
And send me where his heart calls by and by.

-Michele Cameron Drew

Copyright © 2010 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.