Monday, May 25, 2009
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Starbird Hill

In darkness awakening,
First glimpse of snow white,
Brought beauty of wonderment,
Like shimmering diamonds,
'neath new morning’s light.

A frozen paradise waited.
Oblivious to the chill,
Warm mittens and overcoats,
We rushed to the sled race,
Atop Starbird Hill.

We flew down this mountain,
Blustery wind to frozen face,
On a sheet of ice and snow.
Oh, what fun we had then,
In our Starbird race.

And as the day closed,
Its beauty wouldn’t subside.
Sleepy heads in reverence,
Thinking of day’s events,
We gently closed our eyes.

In darkness awakening,
First glimpse of snow white,
Brought beauty of wonderment,
Like shimmering diamonds,
'neath new morning’s light.

—Michele Cameron Drew

Read my article on the Blizzard of '78 here.

Copyright © 2009 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.


•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful moments, Michele!

zorlone said...

This is lovely MIchele! I actually thought I was there in that serene and beautiful place even if it's hot and humid where I am right now. hehehe. The poem gave me chills (not the scary type he he he.

Loved these lines:
"A frozen paradise waited.
Oblivious to the chill,"


Michele Cameron Drew said...

Icy, thanks! I know you've read it before, but I had to put it here. I like reading this one over and over myself though. :)

Z, Funny thing, I just read about the ice challenge on your blog, after posting this. Instead of portray love as ice, I think I have portrayed love of ice. :D

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...


It's still great to read it again.

I have an award for you at:

Stop by when you have time!

VanillaSeven said...

Beautiful, and full of emotion.
Thanks for sharing, Michele :)

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