Saturday, February 28, 2009
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Sonnet IV

The moment that our hearts so kindly met,
You touched my soul just like a gentle song.
Soft spoken words of yours I can’t forget,
Sweet memory to last a lifetime long.

If I could write for you a single tune,
All dressed in blue reflective shining light,
I’d wrap it in the myst’ry of the moon,
Sung sweetly in the beauty of the night.

If you should ever feel lost or alone,
Please don’t forget that you can count on me.
The angel on your shoulder guide you home,
Because that’s where a friend should always be.

My dear sweet one, for you I’ll always pray.
One candle in the dark, I’ll light your way.

—Michele Cameron Drew

Copyright © 2009 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.


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