Saturday, February 07, 2009
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I've Been Awarded...

Although I had promised myself that I would keep this a wordless art blog, my generous friend George from Lost Night's Scribblings has given me an award and I cannot let him down by not posting it. I considered posting it on one of my other blogs, but it just didn't seem to be appropriate. So... without further adieu: Thank you George! I am honored!

The rules:

The Lemonade Award is for sites, which show great attitude and/or gratitude! Rules for the award: 1. Put the logo on your blog or post. 2. Nominate at least 10 blogs, which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! 3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. 4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blogs. 5. Nominate your favorites and link to this post. I nominate the following blogs:

Christina for Christina Talks

William for Of Trends and Aces

David for Alone on Earth

C K for A Singaporean in London

Raven for Jane's Writing

Jo for Poetic Shutterbug

BK for Symphony of Love

Jim for Caldeonian Comment

Lynda for Peripheral Vision - Inner sights

Arash for Arash's World

Mark for The Photographic Aspect

Stepterix for Bloody Computer!

Grandma Sheila for Center Left

John for John Wright Art

Coloraddiction for Coloraddiction


Jane Doe said...

Thanks so much for the award! I'll be posting on it as soon as I get a chance!

Have a wonderful day.

Raven aka Jane Doe

Lynda Lehmann said...

Michele, I am honored that you thought of me for this award! And now I've discovered your blog and am going to follow you!

I made a decision awhile back, not to participate in awards and memes, because my time is so fragmented and I can barely keep up with basic blogging and doing art.

But I DO very much appreciate that you thought of me. I am truly GRATEFUL, though I choose not to allow awards and memes to take up my little bit of blogging time.

THANK YOU! I hope you will keep in touch and let us know how your forays into digital art are going! A big hug to you. ((( )))

BK said...

Thank you for keeping me in your thought when you received the award.

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