Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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A Rough Week and a Lemonade Award: Thanks Icy!

It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me. I went back to work and two days later the company lost the contract that myself and 38 others were hired for, so they let us all go again. Then someone in my house didn't use the money that I paid them for the bills to pay the bills and I went without water for 4 days. In order to get the water turned on, I paid the bill again out of my pocket! Then... on Friday, I had a fender bender and now my car is parked in the driveway and in need of repair... such craziness! It really makes me wonder what I did to deserve such rotten karma. If it's true that things really happen in threes then I guess that I am safe for awhile. We shall see.

In the midst of all this craziness I received an award which I totally lost track of posting on! I was so suprised to find the comments today from Icy at Waveweaver who has been kind enough to give me a Lemonade Award! It makes me feel better to know that I am appreciated and loved.

I feel so bad to have forgotten this lovely gesture. Icy, I hope that you can forgive me.

Like Icy's blog, my Poetic Expression blog is very new to the community and to receive this award is an honor! I'd like to extend a gracious thank you to my friend, Icy.

In keeping with the spirit, I would like to pass this Lemonade Award on to a few of my favorite blogs and bloggers:
  1. Icy for Reach Beyond Limits
  2. Lauren for Friends Revolution
  3. Chato B Stewart for Mental Health Humor
  4. Eric Strom for Eric Strom's Daily Song
  5. Lanne for The Things that Women Do

These are all I have for now! Take a look at these blogs, and you will see why I nominated them for the award. Now it's your turn to pass this award on to 10 other bloggers or blogs that you like.



Update: Maybe my luck IS changing. I just got a call and I go back to work on Friday! Yay me!


Anonymous said...

I am so honored by your generous and kind words.

If it makes you feel any better about the bad karma, I'm also facing with such dilemma in my life right now too! Let's pray that these all shall pass, and we can back some normalcy soon...

Thank you again!

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