Saturday, January 24, 2009
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Poetic Spotlight

As I was going through my reading list today, I came across an excellent piece of prose that I would like to share for this week's Poetic Spotlight. This piece was written by Reilley , a poet that I have been following for some time now. To be honest, some of this man's poetry has brought me to tears.  "Forty Years On'" a gentle and romantic read with a contemporary feel, tells the story of forty years later.

My favorite part:

"Her charcoal hair was now diamond
But the emerald of her eyes
Had never changed."

I won't give away the whole poem, you'll have to read it to learn more. But I believe it's well worth a read.

Forty Years On a 5 out of 5.

The second piece on today's spotlight is by Liane SchmidtWhere the Streets are Paved Divine is just short of a trip to the candy store. I was taken aback by it's amazing imagery and depth of emotion.  It is a divine romantic and angelic inspirational piece with an interesting use of form, in prose.


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